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Old November 14th, 2009
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Remoc Remoc is offline
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A Yeah, Limewire is not the app. you want to use too download large files. Single music files, sure, it's fine for that.

I can offer a solution that may help you out depending on your experiance and ability. I D/L 4GB files and larger that are much safer, generally speaking, all the time in usually less than an hour. There are some that can do this in just minutes. This will depend on several things. ISP being a Big part of it.

If you are interested in what I may suggest, PM me.

BTW we here at the Gnutella Forums have absolutly nothing to do with LW other than maybe using the program. We are all volunteers and are here to help members that are having issues.
Having an attitude when you come in here will get you no where fast.
I Don't Suffer From Insanity, I Enjoy Every Minute of it

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