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Old November 22nd, 2009
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birdy birdy is offline
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Hi scorpionrecords,

You can still search for programs if you want to. You just need to change a setting within LW's options. Tools > options > search. Under 'Search Filtering' click on the Configure tab. Now you can configure LW to search for programs. Click OK in the dialog box & then OK again on the main options page to save any changes.

LW's site has info to about changes in LW 5 and how to use LW 5.
This page (click on link) has info & further links to the FAQ & User Guide: Support - Lime Wire

If you need to vent about LW 5 then you'd be better off posting your thoughts here (click on link): LimeWire Forums
There's a section where you can post about changes in LW 5.
That forum is where the developers will see your post... the helpers here are just users like yourself.
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