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Old November 24th, 2009
bjay51 bjay51 is offline
Join Date: November 17th, 2009
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bjay51 is flying high
Default Failed static IP setup

Thanks for the response and suggestions. I was all set to set up the static IP and then set up port forwarding on the router but fell over at step 1 - static IP. I have attached a zipfile with 3 files. One showing a section of my "ipconfig/all", one showing an error message I got after trying to set up the static IP (, and also a section off the Bigpond ISP help page which supposedly lists the IP addresses of the DNS servers. I think they are wrong as I am in South Australia but the "ipconfig/all" output has a different address for the secondary DNS server. Note that I tried both sets of IPs for the DNS servers and got the same error message and the Internet connection dropped out immediately.

Note also that I used a mask of and a default gateway of

Is there any problem with trying the set up a static IP on Bigpond broadband cable? I did call Bigpond Tech Support to check the DNS server IP addresses and when I mentioned the term "Static IP" he said I can't do that on cable. Maybe he was talking about something else.

Any thoughts? Am I doing something wrong?
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