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Old December 2nd, 2009
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default New AV detecting Old Viruses

Hi cootmaster

I may have an answer to your question, namely why is my new AV detecting old viruses that my previous AV missed.

Well, a friend of mine had the same problem when he used to use NAV2005 so that when he upgraded to NAV2007 he found a previously undetected virus.

Providing what you have are not false positives, then the way to look at it is like an "arms race", like the old arms race between the US and communist Russia. Each army, in this case the virus/malware writers and the protective apps writers, are trying to out do each other. Virus/malware writers, funded internationally by organised crime, are constantly looking for ways to evade detection, that way you do not know that you are infected. While anti-malware writers are looking to catch up on and, in most cases, get the jump on the new breed of malware that is constantly being produced.

I guess that you found some malware designed to evade your then protective app but your new AV caught them.

By the way, I also use NAV2009 (actually NIS2009, which contains both NAV and NPF 2009), as well as six other anti-spyware/malware apps.

UK Bob
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