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Old December 20th, 2009
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Originally Posted by kellieo16 View Post
Thanks for suggesting those things with instructions, very very helpful. I did all of those things except on this part:

Check whether UPnP is enabled within your router: Log into your router by opening a browser & typing into the address bar. Once you're logged into your router, click on Setup > click on Advanced Setup (left side) > click on UPnP (left side). If UPnP is already enabled then you can just close out of the router setup. If UPnP isn't enabled then check the button to use UPnP > click on Save & Restart (left side).
WAN IP Address Wireless Settings Wireless MAC Authentication Wireless Advanced Settings DHCP Server Services Blocking Website Blocking Remote Management Port Forwarding DMZ Hosting Firewall Dynamic Routing NAT Static Routing IP QoS Setting Telnet Timeout Setting LAN IP Address
I clicked on advanced setup and the left hand menu looked like this above. I looked through them but didnt see anything specifically for UPnP, do you have any suggestions on what I should click or check for under one of these links?
Also on this part:
LW go tools > options > advanced > Listening Ports. Change LW's listening port to 65000 (or you can try any port in the range of 49152 - 65535).
The port range of 49152-65535, it could possibly be any of those numbers in that range? Should I try any specific ones or just randomly type in numbers in that range?
Thanks again
Any ports in that range should be ok. I gave port 65000 as an example - that's fine to try first

I took the instructions for finding the UPnP setting from a port forwarding site... maybe I missed a step somewhere?
If you have a CD that came with your router, it should have the User Guide. Check that for how to get to the page for enabling UPnP.

Otherwise, you can download the User Guide here, by clicking on the red Get Manual button: ActionTec GT701-WG Manuals, Support and Troubleshooting - Wireless Routers
I think page 37 (Using Advanced Setup) onwards should show you how to
get to the page where you can enable UPnP if it isn't already.

If you still have no luck after that, try using another p2p program. There are links below to other free programs. FrostWire is probably the easiest to try first, as it's really similar to LW.




Or if you still want to keep trying with LW, we can talk about port forwarding. It can seem a bit confusing though & a lot of people would rather not bother. Once you go through the process it's actually pretty simple but it can be very daunting to start with! Here's a basic look at port forwarding: - The port forwarding progression.
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