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Old December 24th, 2009
magicagain magicagain is offline
Join Date: December 24th, 2009
Posts: 2
magicagain is flying high

This exact thing is happening to me. I've spent hours searching the internet for an answer, and all of the programs it throws up are for Windows or are dead links.

I am on a MacBook laptop (Mac OSX 10.5.8) and am using LimeWire 4.18.8 in the UK.

This has only started happening since I moved back home from university for the Christmas break on Friday (18th). We have a desktop PC that has LimeWire installed on it, but none of my files are showing up or anything, and I've deleted all the shared files on it to no avail.

I know there are other threads similar to this, and I apologize for bumping an old one, but the first post describes my exact situation. I had tried everything recommended in here bar the final suggestion. I tried it, and I have a 'downloads.dat' and a 'fileurns.bak', but no 'downloads.bak'. I obviously don't want to delete anything important.

Thanks for any help!
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