I'm not a client developer, but i'm interested in the gnutella basics.
We all have read threads like ,
Gnutella has a problem,
OpenSource P2P Debate, it's about choice (flooded by trolls) etc etc.
My question is now, why do you like it that our "sponsored client developers" (attention: irony) are destroying one of the most filesharing important communities? (Btw. Please don't anti-post in this thread, there are already much other threads where you can do that) I think, nearly every word has to be spoken out clearly- this was a place where i had a smile on my face when i was here, but every week that was gone, it became worse, thanks to all whiners,trolls,bs-propaganda makers,etc.
I hope that i'm not the only one thinking like that. If so, there are other communities i found where people are more together and using their time doing something with sense....
my suggestion to all developers.. come together, leave GDF, define Gnutella as a protocol that has nothing to do with the BearWire protocol, think of which improvement it would be if the clients would be 99,9% compatible to each other. this can easily be reached. The future is in your hands!
encourage each other to improve the network together!
the gdf is commercially ruled.
the gdc is dead.
gnutella will be dead.
turn on your brains or we all have to start at point ZERO.