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Old January 8th, 2010
thefallsfamily thefallsfamily is offline
Join Date: January 7th, 2010
Posts: 6
thefallsfamily is flying high
Default limewire pro will not connect or stay connected

Someone please help! I have an emachine D520 laptop with windows vista. I just installed limewire pro 5.4.6. I keep having problems with the limewire pro not connecting or staying connected to the internet. I have checked my firewalls and limewire pro is listed as a trusted program. Most of the time I have no internet connection with limewire. I paid to have the upgrade hoping that it would "always stay connected to the internet". That's what the advertisement stated to me when I had limewire basic. Limewire basic stayed connected to the internet more than limewire pro. Also the other problem i am having is that I will start a download and it will go for a while and then all of a sudden it will stop transmitting kbs. The downloads show that I am connected to 12 or more p2p. But its showing 0kbs for all of the downloads at the same time. Right now I have 8 downloads and they all show that they are connected to at leasts 12 p2p, but it is transmitting 0kbs. What could be causing this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

At my wits end
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