Thread: zapshares
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Old January 12th, 2010
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Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
How easily mislead some people are. Facts are facts, as noted in my previous post. A number of articles have been written & discussed about the company that owns Zapshares. If you were duped by this software's advertising, well that's your issue, but I would not recommend this software to other people.

And check Remoc's post above, this person's shares were deleted by ZapShare. What a nice little program it is (deleting your own files without your knowledge!)

I would suggest everyone stay as many miles away from it as possible. It is not to be trusted. Especially when the company that made it is directly/indirectly involved with sponsorship from the RIAA.
lol...I have a feeling that Remoc didn't read the software help file...that's the ONLY problem with the software I've found!

I was using an older version of the software which DISABLED the library (yes, this was mentioned in the help file and during the installation process), which is why Remoc must have thought his files were deleted. The files were still there but just not listed in the library.

HOWEVER, the new version I installed a few weeks ago works even better. The library function works perfectly as normal...the company says they've upgraded the protection while offering full library all files are now listed in the library as perfectly just as promised...

I guess the company could be associated with the RIAA (they seem well funded...positive review on CNet's ... and have even been mentioned in the Washington Post)...but who knows...

All I know is that I'm not taking any me greedy...I know I'm not sharing any files now that I'm running ZapShares, but I figure let someone else take the risks...1 ad for 1 download...I can download all I want...not have to for me...I'm a happy camper...and the RIAA/MPAA and kiss my a**!
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