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Old January 12th, 2010
aklilom aklilom is offline
Join Date: January 6th, 2010
Posts: 5
aklilom is flying high

Lord of the Rings, I understand your concern. I don't know what to do now. I don't have control on the modem/router. I might have had created another account long time ago. But you are saying some sort of spam has been sent from the same IP address. That cannot be mine. Obviously at least one another person has been using the same IP address.

Can anyone, who has access to the Programming LimeWire section, please do a 5 minute glance for me in that section? The Limewire source code is huge ... I am lost. If I only knew which packages to start with for geolocalization, that would suffice.
If I remain locked forever, and someone sees by chance what I am looking for, please copy it and email me to *email address removed for your own protection*

Thank you in advance!
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Do not divulge anyone's personal information in the forum, not even your own.

Last edited by birdy; January 13th, 2010 at 06:14 PM. Reason: Removing email addy
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