When you search, are you using classic or list view?
If you switch to classic view (see the image below) > right click on the column header > tick 'size' & 'extension', you'll see file size & file type in search results
Maybe have a read of the FAQ & User Guide for LW 5... there are probably going to be heaps of things about LW 5 that spin you out for a while
LW 5 FAQ - LimeWire User Guide - LimeWire
There's no Direct Connect any more... it's been replaced by a Friends 'feature' lol. So there's no need to find your IP addy or listening port any more. Instead your friends will have to sign into Jabber, LiveJournal or gmail & then you add them to your Friends list. Then in theory they can download from you when you're both online. The User Guide has more info.
And IP addys have been replaced by words. There's some info about that also in the UG.