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Old January 17th, 2010
MAP9475 MAP9475 is offline
Join Date: May 25th, 2009
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Default Cannot share Imcomplete folder

Limewire 5.1.4
Windows Vista Home Basic vn.6.0

Currently I am set to share three folders:

Limewire \ Saved
Limewire \ Shared

I tried to add Incomplete after reading this thread, especially post 21

but got the message

LimeWire cannot manage this folder because it is either not a folder or cannot be read

It clearly is a folder because Explorer finds it. I can share a sub folder - which I do not want to do because I would be changing the settings every time I opened a new torrent. But Limewire does recognise the folder, because three torrents I have running at the moment are putting data there. They are also seeding according to the uploads screen.

My questions are

1) Do I need to share the Incomplete folder for people to be able to get data or is it shared automatically
2) If I do need to share how do I do it?

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