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Old January 18th, 2010
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Originally Posted by MAP9475 View Post
Limewire 5.1.4
My questions are
1) Do I need to share the Incomplete folder for people to be able to get data or is it shared automatically
2) If I do need to share how do I do it?
To my knowledge, LW 5 automatically uses Partial File Sharing which means any partially downloaded file is shared back; ie: a large number of hosts you download a file from may not have 100% of the file but are themselves still downloading the file but have portions of the file you don't yet have. This applies to both Gnutella Network & Torrent files.

With LW 4 there was an option to disable Partial File Sharing. No such option with LW 5.

Yes, some people did mistakenly & ignorantly share their incomplete folder with LW 4. Perhaps LW 5 prevents the folder from being shared (for the good of everyone).

Note: Partial File Sharing (good) versus sharing incomplete files (bad).

(1) No, definitely do not even try. (2) No need to. LW will have it's own partial file sharing built in.

Torrent support in LW 5.1.4 was not good & was buggy. Many fixes & changes have been made since to how it worked. If you wish to see the history of torrent fixes & improvements, see Changelog - LimeWire
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