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Old February 3rd, 2010
rocksammy rocksammy is offline
Join Date: January 28th, 2010
Posts: 2
rocksammy is flying high

hey there, im new to this limewire pro 5.4 and much rather an old one that no longer can find, which i had and then because of java no longer worked, i find with this new one nothing comes up, search and nothing, where as the old limewire would have everything.. and not spam maybe some but you can tell which downloads were good by looking at it and this new one no results and you cant tell if its a good file or a bad one, which from limewire pro 5.4 i already have got a virus. plus im using vista but never had a problem with it until now. i just cant get enough search results and never have what im looking for... also i hate the set up of limewire, i liked how your search would remember in stead of re typing every time you wanna search and i liked how you could easily search under titles like artist, albums, but instead have to go to another part of search engine.. i gotta say it kinda suxs. so how can i get a better search results?
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