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Old February 10th, 2010
exponent exponent is offline
Join Date: February 10th, 2010
Posts: 3
exponent is flying high
Default Incomplete downloads - (Almost comlete -99%)

I am having a problem where some downloads go to 99% with very little left to complete and then stall. For instance one is 30K of 500Mb short of completion and another is .01 GB of 1.03 GB. bothe show a speed of 0.0 KB/s from multiple users. Restarting LW does not help. If I delete the DL and start the DL again the same thing happens at the same point in the same file. This has only occurred recently, all in 5.4.6. Not all files do this, only happens on maybe one in 10. It's almost LW is having problems closing the file.
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