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Old February 12th, 2010
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Blackhorse 70V Blackhorse 70V is offline
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Join Date: January 31st, 2008
Location: San Francisco
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Blackhorse 70V is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Exactly! If you take nutritional supplements you might stay healthy and then the poor drug companies would have less money with which to bribe physicians to prescribe their overpriced products. And think of the congressmen who work so very hard to secure campaign contributions from drug companies that are financially strapped after spending so much to defeat meaningful healthcare reform.

Some supplements are dangerous. My girlfriend actually OD'd on calcium (she spent more than a week in Intensive Care). Every so often we hear about someone who died after taking a pagan remedy (witchcraft can be deadly!). Then the FDA again demands authority over supplements. (Remember when we could buy tryptophan?) Of course, not much is said about the thousands who suffer daily from the toxic effects of Rx, FDA-approved drugs (until the ads for class action lawsuits appear on television).

A few years ago Pres. Shrub told us how senior citizens were suffering because they were not able to afford their medications. Meanwhile, AARP and other seniors' organizations found that their members had few such complaints. That didn't stop Shrub from claiming the need for more legislation. And under the guise of helping kids, Shrub also encouraged the legislation that requires all schoolchildren to be tested for mental disorders. Money that could have been wasted on schoolbooks and teachers will instead go to make sure that no child is left behind when it comes to prescription medication. Obviously, bored kids in crowded classrooms need to be medicated! Too bad there's not enough money to also provide proper nutrition to those kids.

For over a century drug companies have had too much influence over the affairs of state. During WWII we didn't drop bombs on drug manufacturing plants in Germany because, according to our government, the Allies would need office buildings at the end of the war.

Grin and Bayer it. And take your St. John's wort (while you still can).
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