Originally Posted by Peerless ...you keep up your krap OC and we will ban you this time as opposed to warning you like in the past.... |
Are you that small peer? You have to ban dissent? Others here agree that honest replies work more than empty threats. Like
Blackhorse and ukbobboy said education is king. If expressing an opinion that your tact is wrong headed is all it takes to get me banned then do so. I've said it before and I'll say it again - scaring a kid does far more harm than good. Its far better to tell the truth. Then when the truth really is scary they'll listen.
It's exactly the same as drug use. Tell them the truth and likely as not they'll leave it alone. The truth is scary enough all by itself.
That kid we disagreed about didn't need scaring. He was already scared. All he wanted was advise on how to get rid of the stuff he already didn't want.
If this opinion is so scary to you then I guess this will be my last post.