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Old May 1st, 2002
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Nosferatu Nosferatu is offline
Join Date: March 25th, 2002
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Nosferatu is flying high

Originally posted by afisk
Huh? Did I not expressly describe precisely what TopMoxie was doing and give a detailed response to Michael Hefner's post that you linked to, as well as e-mail him directly regarding the issue?

While you're at it, lose the weird physical threats. Thanks.
Re: wierd physical threats:
I don't see how you can consider this a physical threat. I'm not even in your country. You seemed to understand my reference earlier - I am underlining that my instincts seemed correct

I think you are acting like a kid caught with some drugs. I got your quote wrong, here it is worded correctly, perhaps this will jog you memory worded correctly:
"That's it, man. Really." AFisk 04-10-2002 04:45 PM

Now, what I am saying is that this eTraffic 'sub-bundle' was never mentioned. It has a different name to TopMoxie - to me looks like 'a different thing'.

So the list over at

should now be amended to



Adam, I sure hope they gave you a raise and/or bonus - no-one should have to defend themselves personally in the line of duty in a day job. As far as I am concerned, you are Limewire, limewire is you, because I am talking to you as a representative of Limewire.

You shouldn't have your personal reputation put on the line over the fact that your boss requires you to install unscrupulous software on people's machines, that is his business. I would have walked long ago.

So please don't misconstrue anything I say to you as personal, it is not (except maybe this particular advice beginning at the double-asterisk '**' and ending here).


'TopMoxie' thread continues over at

btw who's this Michael Hefner? Could you please provide a link if it's important, since you seem to have already looked up the post you are referring to.

Last edited by Nosferatu; May 1st, 2002 at 05:30 PM.
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