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Old February 19th, 2010
KtnDz KtnDz is offline
Join Date: February 19th, 2010
Posts: 1
KtnDz is flying high
Eek I need some serious help ! (can't reinstall Pro)

I recently purchased the limewire pro addition and installed it onto my computer. My main goal was to sync my songs from limewire to itunes where I'd then sync them onto a new ipod I have. To make a long story short, I had to create a whole new user onto my computer because I needed a new itunes account and now I do not have the installed limewire on the right account. (already paid for ! )

I foolishly listened to one of my friends who insisted she knew the right thing to do and uninstalled the limewire from the master user where I was going to just reinstall the software.. BUT now it is not letting me reinstall limewire at all!

Does anyone have any idea how I'd go about doing this.. and if not is there a phone number of some sort I can call someone on to talk about a possible refund? THANK YOU AALL
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