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Old February 20th, 2010
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough

Blackhorse 70V

As you are a US citizen you probably understand this better than I do but I do find the two points that stick out in your post most disturbing.

You said:
In most states in the US students have very few of the same rights as their parents (even though one would expect children to enjoy extra protection). I am sure it was that line of thinking that led to the installed spyware.
This seems to say that the school authorities took it upon themselves, or awarding themselves extra judicial powers, to protect their students from their parents. And therefore had no intention of consulting parents about this remote spyware or anything else concerning the operation of these machines.

You also said:
And what was the "improper behaviour"? If they had gotten a photo of a student while in a stage of undress......
I won't go into what this kid was doing but it seems to me that the school was trying to indulge in a spot of "social engineering". Whenever an organisation employs social engineering techniques, for whatever reason, it always ends up being unfair to some and beneficial for the elite few while giving itself the "air" of false respectability.

To summerise, spying on people and social engineering are evils we've seen to have devastating results in the 20th century, results called Nazism and Communism.

UK Bob
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