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Old February 22nd, 2010
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PickaxeFairy PickaxeFairy is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: November 14th, 2008
Posts: 57
PickaxeFairy is flying high

Thanks for your reply Bob
That guy you talked of sounds like an absolute joke!

Right, where do I start....

Well Mr Tech Guy came round as promised....

Got the old list out of everything I needed to bring to his attention....
Told him all the issues I've been having; went into loads of detail....

He had a little fiddle, pushed a few buttons.... went into parts of my pc I didn't even know existed!

His subsequent response - "You do realise the internet is slow sometimes - it's probably got nothing to do with your actual pc...."

You're having a laugh, I'm saying under my breath. Could you BE any more patronising!!??

I pulled him up on that, believe me! He went all red and looked really awkward - but then actually went on to *sincerely* apologise!

I think before he arrived, he thought I was some silly little woman who'd believe whatever he told me and that he could feed me some crap and be gone from my flat in 10 minutes so's he could go and have his lunch....

How wrong was he!!

Then - and completely out of the blue - he tells me that he's gonna order me a brand new CD/DVD drive AND a brand new hard drive!!
Seems I'm gonna get a complete new install....

I didn't even need a new CD/DVD drive - but who am I to argue??


Last edited by PickaxeFairy; February 22nd, 2010 at 02:39 PM.
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