Lord of the Rings & PickaxeFairy
After reading through your posts I must say that I am on both sides of the fence on this one:
You said:
This reconverting practice needs to be stamped out off the network.
Well, I agree with the sentiment but disagree with every fibre of my being about the action. You see, the Internet and gnutella networks are about freedom of choice and in "no way" should individual freedoms be taken away unless it causes harm ("harm" being subjective).
LOTR is right when he says "why convert down to a lower quality?", especially now that your original reason no longer exist, i.e. saving on HD disk space.
However, LOTR's solution sounds good and that is to keep two copies of your downloaded files, one for you to convert and consume and the other to share back onto the network.
Well guys, I now feel like a Liberal Democrat, neither here nor there and all things to all men (

a little UK political humour

UK Bob