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Old March 5th, 2010
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Don't buy pro until you are totally happy with the version you are using. Pro's advantages are only very slight improvements in search results due to connecting to 5 ultrapeers instead of 3, and download from 10 hosts per file max instead of Basic's 8. Some people say they don't notice the difference .. it's subtle.

Beware of .mov files you find on the network, many are simply spam (generally porn spam) & usually QuickTime cannot open them. Obviously not created using standard Quicktime but some other program probably. If you wish to view .mov files from network, get this program: VLC - (click on link) as it can play many more formats than QT player can. This applies to AVI & several other formats.

The LW spam filter needs to be trained. Sometimes it makes mistakes so right-click the good search results shown with trash can & choose the option to Unmark as spam. And for results that are spam but show as good files right-click & choose mark as spam.
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