Thanks for your reply birdy. The files ihad downloaded didnt have comments
but what ever it was gave me heaps of viruses :S I spent the entire day yesterday and all night lastnight trying to fix my laptop cuz as soon as id touch the keyboard pop up after pop up of viruses kept coming up and nomatter how many times i clicked qurantine or deny access more would pop up. Id say i clicked quarintine atleast 100 times yesterday LOL thankfully i got hold of spybot SD and so far so good. It removed all problems and then i did another spybot scan just to be sure and also scanned with Advance system care and all says its ok. Im very new to torrents and stuff because im on wireless internet i usually just stick to songs but mum been hasseling me 4 the movie all night so i tried to get it 4 her. Guess that will teach me 4 being nice
Ive also used emule before without probs for songs and games so mabey ill just stick 2 songs and games from now on because im not the best at computers and anything i accomplish with fixing it is only luck and i dont wanna risk going through what i did yesterday ever again. Once again thanks soooo much for your reply