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Old March 17th, 2010
bci bci is offline
College Student
Join Date: February 9th, 2010
Posts: 28
bci is flying high

Well, I will try my best to answer those questions..

#1 is, for the most part, true. If you lose your job, you also lose your insurance. You can get insurance without having a job, but I hear it's not cheap. You can see how this is a pretty big problem here with all the job losses and what not.

#2 on your list is completely untrue, it's the hopitals/doctors job to take care of a patient if they are in need. They'll come and get you if you collapse in the middle of the street, but if you don't have health insurance good luck paying for that nice bill they send you.

#3 I'm not real sure about this one..I think for the most part your premiums will continue to rise over a short period of time until you can no longer afford your insurance. There was recently a story in the news about a women from Ohio who got cancer, survived, her premiums went up 40% within the one year, so she cut her insurance because she couldn't afford it. Now she's struggling with lukemia, and is currently uninsured. She's afraid she's going to lose the house that her parents built, along with losing her life. Her story is more dramatic, which is why it hit the news, but people losing their house's and lives due to how expensive health care is, is quite common.

#4 Not sure about 4, but I certainly wouldn't doubt it.

#5 Not sure about this one either, but again, I wouldn't doubt it.

#6 This is one of the main reasons why we need a health care reform. Unless your healthy and/or wealthy, you're in trouble.

I keep watching CNN to see updates about this situation, and I'll read the comments that people post on their website..A lot of crazies are on there, telling people that Obama is shuving this bill down our throats when no one wants it (which may or may not be completely true), thus he is going to turn our country into a Dictatorship and America is going to be sucked into a black hole blah blah blah...Do other countries think this of Obama as well?

It seems like everyone is just waiting and watching for America, well, Obama, to fail.

What's the health care like in the UK? I'm curious as it would be similar to the one America would be getting.
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