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Old March 18th, 2010
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default National Health System


Thanks for your info, it has cleared up in most part what has been somewhat of a mystery to me.

First of all, you asked:
What's the health care like in the UK?
Well, it's nothing like the US because, like most European countries, we have a National Health Service which looks after all UK citizens. We do pay higher taxes than you in America but no government would ever get elected if they threatened to abolish the NHS.

You know, apart from vacinations and accidents, most of us do not use the NHS that much when we are young and healthy but as we get older we need more medicines and greater care. And this is where the NHS comes into it's own, most of us get the care we need without having to worry whether our homes are at stake or facing personal bankruptcy.

There are private hospitals and doctors that the well off can use but most UK citizens use NHS doctors, hospitals, dentist and other health care services.

OK, now to Remoc

I've not read your links yet but I get the impression that you are anti-health care for all in the US.

I don't understand your opposition to an NHS type system in the US because we in the UK have had our system since (about) 1948 and, as I said before, no government would get into power if they threatened the NHS.

However, your health system is an American problem for Americans to solve, I hope that whatever decision you guys come to it is the right one.

UK Bob
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