Download torrent off limewire...file trouble Alright, when downloading a torrent from the pirate bay for example, it downloads through limewire, but i think i messed something up when deleting a bad torrent. Now my download does not download through limewire but tries through itunes. I am guessing i need to switch lime wire as my default download place, but how do I do that?
so i recently unistalled limewire seeming that that would fix the problem...first tried to download it again that didnt work and then tried to download bittorrent that didnt work either it keeps saying installer integrity check has failed, common causes include incomplete download and damaged material, contact the installers author to obtain new copy. and it says this everytime i try to download something......any help would be thankful
Last edited by Mlyoupunk; April 2nd, 2010 at 09:45 AM.
Reason: new problems