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Old March 27th, 2010
Deana B Deana B is offline
Join Date: March 23rd, 2010
Posts: 8
Deana B is flying high

I wanted to let everyone know that my issue seems to be fixed but not with any help from this forum unfortunately. I don't know why it is that so often we who start these threads looking for help are treated with riducule and or like we cannot read Blackhorse 70V "attempting to care." All you did was repeat the same steps as given previously by Lord of the Rings. You are not understanding my question. I understand how to 1.create a file A ,and how to 3.rename the file and move it back as incomplete folder, but the part about 2."deleting the entire incomplete folder" is where I am lost ok you say first close LW completely so then where is the folder located does it just drop out of the sky and say here I am I am the rogue file come and delete me LMAO @ u?!
Anyway in the effort to help others here is what worked I simply downloaded a few more files and deleted the rouge file once again and it has not come back thus far, seem that unlocked it. But if it does come back I will most likely use the unlocker utility recommended by Birdy and Lord of the Rings.
By the way I'm still having problems getting logged into this forum with my correct user name and password, only way it will accept it is if I use the link from my e-mail activation the retype in the same name and password, if anyone cares.Sorry I'm disappointed but seems the only thing people care about is being rude to each other and that is pretty sad!
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