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  #27 (permalink)  
Old May 2nd, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unregistered
So, I'm happily downloading tons of mp3's...without a hitch. I can click on launch (or even double click on the file) while it's downloading, and listen to it in iTunes...NO Problem! I've got music, people are sharing music, everyone's happy....until one day I click on the file to play and it won't. I can go into the file where the mp3 is stored click on it and tell it to open with Quicktime translator and it will play...but that's not the point. Why in the hell are my files suddenly downloading as documents? I haven't change any setting...nothing. I even purchased LM Pro to see if that remedied the problem....NOPE! Still downloading as documents. Lame, very lame. Anyone got any suggestions?
thanks! Vic

If you are in OS 9, go to and download Tech Tool Lite 3.0.2. Use it to rebuild your desktop file, which is the most likely cause for the problems you're having.
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