No one runs the Gnutella network. The network is people like you and the ones you download from or upload to. All Limewire does is provide a client for connecting you. And I seriously doubt that Limewire LLC will start checking all the files to see which ones really are your movie, especially considering the legal repercussions such a move could start.
If you google any of the terms, they will be the top result. I am not going to write +5,000 words explaining things, which have just on this forum been explained many many times before and several thousand times elsewhere on the Internet. WMP is Windows Media Player, MPC is Media Player Classic, VLC is a video player etc. etc.
Apart from that I gather when you said archived, you meant quarantined as in your antivirus caught it. This is very unlikely if this was a +700MB file which almost all movies are.. unless they are for ipod or the likes (really small screen)
Last edited by Sleepless; April 5th, 2010 at 08:36 AM.