Thread: license problem
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Old April 29th, 2010
radar radar is offline
Join Date: April 29th, 2010
Posts: 5
radar is flying high

it is still giving me the license warning
iv done every thing to try and down load music. i even looked to see if it was Legal to get music off lime wire its legal to but as long as u keep that box marked saying dont leat me down load music copyright music owners reqest not to be shared.what should i do can some one help me i even looked for old music and it still saying the same thing..i dont want to go to jail just for down loading a song is it a error should i delete limewire or what????

i would like to keep my lime wire but if i cant down load music ill just do with out!!

Last edited by radar; April 29th, 2010 at 10:22 PM.
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