Hey lotr i actually did try that before posting here (wrote a small app to replace all instances in the .dat file using binary read/write methods)
I was using the latest LW at the time being 5.5.8 (or was it 5.8?)
The outcome was limewire noted the new location of the files (allowing me to right click - open from disk~) and it would goto the new disk however they all started at 0%
I did read around and noted it shows 0% but will jump up as soon as it starts downloading. unfortunately that was not the case and it started the file from the start
Thank you for the response
Limewire should include functionality to inspect files and determine if they are incomplete or not and if so resume them
Shouldn't be to hard to append information at the end of the file (since it pre-allocates the full file size even if you've only partially downloaded bits of it) then use that information as a header that way it can still preview the files without corrupting it and not need the downloads.dat file
Thanks again