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Old May 23rd, 2010
Tamamiko Tamamiko is offline
Join Date: May 22nd, 2010
Posts: 2
Tamamiko is flying high

Not really... It could possibly be a similar problem, but specifically, I downloaded an album from multiple sources and then ended up finding the entire album from one source with excellent quality. I wanted to get the entire thing from them (some of which I already had) so I deleted all files from my computer. When I went to dl from the excellent source it showed that I had the files in my library. So I went there and probably screwed up, but I thought I deleted the sources from my LW library also. I went back to the dl screen and it still said I had the files in my library. I couldn't find the files anywhere and I couldn't figure out how to fix my problem. Unfortunately, it's been too long, so I can't rip from that source now, but I'd still like to know for possible future screw ups.
I hope this makes my plight better understood.
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