A Birther, ey?
This is the BP that Bush gave us via de-regulation. Now we have more unregulated oil than we ever wanted. If Dubya hadn't decided to spend a trillion dollars on overseas police actions (even his father had more sense than that) we could afford the cost of cleaning up after BP. We haven't even received any of the oil revenues that were assured us before going into Iraq ("The war will pay for itself"). When you give blood for oil, you should get the oil.
If Obama had earlier involved himself in the BP issue we would have heard Faux News warning us about Obama destroying the oil industry or trying to take it over. Glen Beck would diagram the similarity to Hitler, Stalin, and/or Mao.
A bit off topic, but too interesting to withhold. I heard from an ex-GI that Saddam H was not found in a hole, as reported. GI says Saddam was defended, in one of his palaces, by some of his troops for three days after he was located by US military. On the third day he surrendered. GI could be nutz, but he did get me to thinking that Saddam had quite a few look-alikes; never heard what happened to them. |