What you have found is something to keep in mind, they are spam. "original track" etc are typical. The newest releases of any material are often attempted to be protected by professional spammer companies spamming searches with fakes.
How to find music & the links within that post.
Searching Music & Video use similar principles.
Also check
Movie download issues (click on blue link) (2nd last post has information on best video formats.)
For music, make sure it shows a bitrate in search results. Other tricks are not easy to explain. But comparing file size versus bitrate of search results. And also what id3 tag information they show. And for video, I'd recommend filtering out .mov files from search results.
Also check
Virus thread: Typical virus spam file sizes - Make a note of them (click on blue link to see) although I have not updated this for a while, it gives examples of what files to beware of.
BTW I would recommend you upgrade to either LW 4.14 or LW 4.16.
http://www.gnutellaforums.com/mac-os...link-here.html due to LW 5 and LW 4.18 blocking uploaders who use any version of LW below 4.14
I use LW 4.16.6 on one mac account and LW 5 on the other. My G4 used LW 4.14