Are there file extensions that continually show up? Some extensions such as .wma, .mov, .au, .zip, .exe, .rar often contain spam or are infected.
Check out this thread for info:
How to find music
There's a section there about using the keyword filter, with lots of info aobut which words & file extensions to filter for best results (ie weed out the fakes, spam & porn)
You can find a file extension filter within tools > options > search > filter file extensions.
And keyword filter within tools > options > search > keyword filter. After adding words/extensions to the filter(s), click ok on the filter page & then ok again on the main options page.
And if you still keep seeing crap, try changing ultrapeers (hosts that you connect to in order to search).
In LW tools > advanced tools.
In the Host column, you'll see UPs that you're connected to. Check in the Time column & see which ultrapeer has been connected for the longest time.
Right click on that host > Remove. That ultrapeer will be replaced by another. Now start a new search for your file.
If you don't see any improvement in results, remove the next ultrapeer. And so on...
See whether that helps at all
(click thumbnail to see larger view of sample image) .