Originally Posted by bsf0277 I just got a new laptop. I have downloaded Limewire. is there a way to sign in so my library transfers to the new computer??  |
The songs that were in your original library were saved to your hard disk. If you backed up any data from your old computer, or still have that old computer then you might be able to transfer your LW saved files to the new computer.
Have a look through this thread (click on link) to see where your LW saved files might have been stored on the old computer, depending on which version of LW you were using:
http://www.gnutellaforums.com /download-upload-problems/81089-if-youve-updated-lw-cant-find-your-downloads.html
If you can find the folder containing your original files, have a look here for info about adding them to your library on the new computer:
Adding files to Library, sharing/unsharing files LW 5.2.8+