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Old July 7th, 2010
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PickaxeFairy PickaxeFairy is offline
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Join Date: November 14th, 2008
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Glad to hear all the problems have been sorted Bob.

Just thought I'd bring to light BT's latest 'offering' to my friend's mother....
You've never heard anything like it!!

She's just moved house; ideally wanted Virgin Media, as she's always been with them and basically had no problems with them....
However, Virgin Media have told her they don't 'reach' to her area. Okay, it's pretty rural where she lives - but for goodness sake - it's 2010!!
SO - she rings up BT, arranges for them to come round and install a 50MB connection.....

FOUR separate appointments she's arranged!!
Every time, she's rung them on the day to confirm and everything's been sweet. They've just never bothered turning up!
As you can imagine by this point, she's at the end of her rope and tearing her hair out....

The last communication she had with them was when they said....
"Have you considered bookmarking the sites you want to download from, so that when your connection is finally established, you'll remember what it is that you want....?"
They've also 'suggested' that a friend downloads what she wants and then 'keeps' it for her until she's got her own connection....


Obviously, she's put in *several* complaints - but they 'claim' to have no record of any communication with her.....

It's all kicking off between them and my friend's mum as we speak....

Certainly not something you would expect from a company with a name as well known and respected as BT....

Last edited by PickaxeFairy; July 7th, 2010 at 12:46 PM.
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