Thing is - what makes it all so horrible is that the lady in question is nearly 70 - and this is really getting to her.... For all Virgin Media's 'inadequacies' - she was with them for years and was happy with them; they always treated her well.... She's just so fed up to the back teeth with BT - they've been truly horrible and disrespectful to her... Not to mention extremely patronising - telling her to get a friend to 'keep' any bookmarks or downloads she may want.... Yeah whatever
Obviously, my friend has been/is fighting her corner - but all they keep doing is bringing 'clauses' out of the woodwork.... Erm, HELLO! WHAT clauses exactly?? She's a new customer who simply wants an internet connection.... The latest - they're now telling her she can't have any kind of broadband connection unless she takes her tv and phone with them too! Well unless I've been living on another planet for the last goodness knows how long - I don't remember seeing anything (with ANY supplier) that stipulates you must have *all* services with one individual company.... If this wasn't happening to someone I know, I really wouldn't believe it....
Will keep you updated....