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Old July 13th, 2010
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captain_drew captain_drew is offline
Join Date: July 13th, 2010
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Default Is anyone else unhappy with Pro 5.5.10?

I just moved from my old PowerPC G5 Mac (OS 10.4.11 Tiger) to my new Mac Pro Intel Quad, running OS 10.6.4 Snow Leopard.

I have been using LimeWire since maybe 2005, had upgraded to LimeWire 4.18.8 on the old machine and had been chomping at the bit for years at the thought of being able to upgrade to a newer version that my non-Intel machine could not run.

One of the first things I did, after moving all the old files to the new machine was to log onto the LimeWire site and downloaded the new Pro 5.5.10.

Overall, I am VERY disappointed!

It seems to me that anytime a software company ‘upgrades’, it OUGHT to be better than the earlier version.

I really hate this ‘newer’ LimeWire. It is NOT ‘user friendly’ –or intuitive, as was the previous version I had grown to know and love.

I am wondering if any other users feel the same way about their upgrade?

Maybe from a ‘technological’ viewpoint, you guys are happy with your work, but, as a ‘user’ I find this very hard to ‘work’ and it lacks the features the older versions had which I had come to know and love.

For instance, I only use ‘audio’ and I am now limited to using only one ‘folder’ to save to, where I used to have a ‘Shared’ folder, an ‘Incomplete’ and a ‘shared-repair’ folder –where my uploads went, so I could ‘massage’ them (correct spelling, capitalization, etc) before I moved them to ‘Shared’ where the public had access to.

I just don’t understand, why, in the process of ‘upgrading’ you guys made this fine product a lot more user unfriendly? This is almost tantamount to ‘elder abuse’, changing things so radically that a user needs to go back to school to figure things out. Does any older, long time user agree that the ‘changes’ are not for the better?

Drew Johnson
Captain USNR-Retired
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