Hi Guys/Gals..
I'm new to this forum and basically new to MacBook Pro..
Let me get right down to why I'm here..
I've just spent the 12 weeks putting together a dvd on my mac book pro using Imovie..
there are around 1500 jpgs 45 video files and 39 audio files.. after painstakingly putting and editing and around etc etc .. I clicked share then IDVD and away it went 4hrs to encode.. Bamm too big for standard DVD file size 29GB encode to 8.6..
OK so I spend a week reducing all jpgs by exporting pics outta iphoto into a folder on desktop then importing back into iphoto and replacing each jpg in the imovie... encode ..too big again..
another week reducing all .mov files into mp4's via Isquint import replace.. encode.. too big..
now it seems the 39 audio files might be pushing me over the limit...
my question is ... How do I reduce an Audio file on Itunes ...????
or am I doing it all wrong ...?? can anyone help??
cheers Guys