Jul 14, 2010Jul 14, 201**** xxxx-WWW.LIMEWIRE.COM~~NEW YORK~10013 NY 840 kr179.00 NOK
$28.97 USD
Weird problem, I was going into limewire.com and purchased limewire pro for 28,97 dollar (179 norwegian kroner). Above is the transfer that did appear on my mastecard statement.
..so what did happen? Yes it did stand declined, but the money did go out of my mastercard account!
So what the ¤#%&/.
I did contact limewire about it, but never get answer. I did then contact my mastercard, they say I had to contact limewire and make them send a confirmation about it to them, becuse then I will get the money back within 7 days...
...ehh! Well I actually didnt understand 100 percent, but that dosent matter much anyway as long limewire dosent answer me.
Almost 29 dollar have been taken from my account, and back I did get nothing, it even did stand declined at the limewire.com paying site.
I feel a bit cheated. To be honest. And feel foolish that tried to buy limewire pro, got declined in my face, but money taken from my account.