Sorry about the pause suggestion.. heh..
As for the stop button.. it is possible because Swapper uses one and so does Gnucleus.. so it can have a stop search button...
The ability to refine searches like.. when you type in something like.. let's say Nickelback.. you come up with all the results for Nickelback... And to find each individual song all you would do is type How you remind me... in a search field and without pressing a button it automatically filters out the results without How you remind me in the name. And you can delete the Refined search words and all of your results would be there... ready to refine again.... Download Gnucleus at to find out what I am talking about.
I think you should be able to decide how many uploads you can have... except when you make it 1 upload... you can have only 1 download... 2 uploads = 2 downloads... 3 ul = 3 dl... etc.