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Old July 31st, 2010
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default All this worrying will kill you


You said:
What got me going lately was an article in the paper about how up to 800 people are downloading CP at any given minute in our city and that they are, seemingly cracking down on them! But it takes time and money, and they are behind like 16 to 18 months or something.
Well, newspapers lie, twist and spin the truth in order to sell newspapers. Even if they were telling the (whole) truth there is a little thing called evidence that law enforcement authorities need before making any arrests.

I've got a couple of suggestions:

1) If you and your Dad use the same computer then get yourself your own PC and delete all traces of LW from the family's machine. So in the unlikely event that someone (law enforcement) comes in and demand the computer give them yours.

2) Go and see a therapist or psychiatrist, making sure that everything you say is strictly confidential, and unburden yourself. Because if you continue to worry you will end up with ulcers, have a nervous breakdown or a heart attack, the human body can only take so much stress before it breaks down.

UK Bob
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