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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Gnutella (the network that limewire is a client for) is a file sharing network.

People who download stuff without providing anything for upload take away download bandwidth from others without contributing any upload bandwidth. For some bizarre reason there are people who object to this sort of behaviour and call it 'freeloading'.

LimeWire has an option to detect freeloaders and to reduce their downloads by reporting 'file not found' when they attempt to connect.

If you are not already sharing files, you may find that making a few files avaialable increases your downlaod success.

Alternatively, if you can provide some more details of what you are doing (which version of limewire, which operating system, what connection speed, what options you've set, how many search results you are getting, in what way you can't download), then it might be easier to isolate your problem.

Unfortunately "It doesn't work" isn't enough information to give you much constructive help.

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