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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by gidds
Some other apps behave this way.  Help Viewer, for example.  So there's precedent for LimeWire to behave this way; it makes perfect sense in my opinion.  If you don't like the window taking up screen space you can always minimise it.
If you're going to put it that way: There's precedent for only closing the window when you hit the window close, not the entire app. "It makes perfect sense in my opinion." Why would the entire app quit when I just want to close a single window? Most of the time, I don't want Limewire taking up my screen real estate (and the occasional Java bugs that Apple has with other apps' windows being on top of java apps' windows), and I really don't want it in the dock, either. I don't like clutter, and I don't want some background app taking up dock space. Unless there's a way to indefinitely share files without downloading and without taking up dock or screen space.

My preference would be to close just the window with the little X. I realize there's precedence either way, but, gidds, you can't marginalize my preference by guessing why and suggesting a bad alternative as justification.
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