Originally Posted by fwilliamson ... i can't seem to connect to limewire ... 1. OS version? - windows 7 2. What firewalls you have? - don't think i have a firewall at all. |
Windows has its own firewall. Check
Setting up an exception for LimeWire in your software firewall (click in link)
Originally Posted by fwilliamson 5. ... - wireless broadband 6. ... - motorola surfboard model: SBG900 7. ... - house 8. ... - limewire 5.5 9. ... - comcast 10. ... port test link ... - can NOT load this site. did not receive a success sign [/COLOR] 11. ... - roommate's dell computer, same functions as myself - just checks emails. she cannot load limewire either 12. ... i have uninstalled and reinstalled limewire a few times and it still does not work 13. ... - for limewire 5, there is nothing in that area to show whether i have been blocked by a firewall or not 14. ...are you port forwarding or is UPnP enabled? - i'm not sure. 15. ... - i have webroot security? 16. ... - living in USA 17. ... - have not moved or chagned internet plan...i might have updated java. i also have an updated version of LW because it is a newer computer but like i said, my roommate is also having problems and we both never had problems before. |
There have been users with problems using the Motorola SBG900 for p2p file sharing. If you know how to log into it, make sure it is set to run in UPnP mode. Another option is to port forward it twice, one for each of the computers using LW.
Default log in for the router is just typed into your browser address bar. No www or http before it!
Username by default is
Password would be
I don't know about the Motorolla, but I'm guessing the UPnP setting is under the Firewall Tab on left of screen after you log in. Normally UPnP for routers is already enabled by default.
If you wish to walk the port forward path, check
This would need to be done for each computer because port forwarding is based on the internal address of the computer. And each computer on your network will have a different address. Setting up a static ip address must be done first if port forwarding is used.

I guess you can try for one computer first to see if it works ok.