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Old November 8th, 2010
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Originally Posted by File_Girl71 View Post
Have you try this one called Acquisition Lite or as it's name is now Acqlite and it's free opensource software for Mac... Here is the link to it: Only thing i don't like about FrostWire is it comes bundled with extra stuff, and it set your home page to ask dot com with out ask your permission to do so!
I tried Acquisition trial & it would not connect at all including with added file. It seemed to use both the LW prefs folder & a file of its own. OMG I HATE trialware !!!! Now I know why I did not follow with Acquisition with a program that's continually pushing you to 'pay' money, that caps your download speeds after 60 seconds. lol Even LW never resorted to that kind of trick. Now i know why the Acquisition developer was so unpopular in the Gnutella community. Well I do know other reasons, no need to publicise them.

I tried Acquilite & it immediately connected to 4 ultrapeers. All of them LW 5.5.8. All search results were junk spam though. Removing ultrapeers definitely helped. Making sure I had either FrostWire, LW 4 or earlier LW 5 ultrapeers connected to me.

Downloads were fine once I got passed the spam in search results.

Acquilite does not appear to use LW's prefs folder but a file of it's own. No idea what connection file it uses. It may be hidden, I will need to explore.
I've opened both of Acquisition & Acquilite separate pref files, they only seem to list the download & shared files & locations & program settings, etc.
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