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Old February 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Unhappy incoming connect problems?

I have v1.2b of LimeWire and I'm running it on Linux, Debian sid version.

So far so good, I'm sharing files, I'm downloading files, its all good. I'm behind a firewall, so I configed it to portmap so people can connect to me, I configure 'force ip' to be my external IP, etc. Just trying to be a good citizen.

Except, I never get incoming connections and push type queries dont seem to work... furthermore if I 'telnet localhost 6346' to connect to the limewire client, it connects then disconnects 2 seconds later... even if I type something, even 'GNUTELLA CONNECT/0.4'. Zipola. Obviously those who connect from outside the firewall get the same treatment.

I really want to be a good citizen, plus be able to accept push downloads and to have incoming connections. But this problem is bizzare...

Any hints would really be great. Take it easy!

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