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Old November 27th, 2010
File_Girl71 File_Girl71 is offline
Join Date: October 10th, 2008
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If everything is fine and working do not worry about it! My experience with Connect.txt file that is older then one month is usless...Your BearShare is working and connected to the network right! There for will the Connect.txt file update it self everytime you use it, but i recommend you to use BearShare often and let it run for hours so you keep the Connect.txt file fresh as possible...Btw BearShare Beta from Gnutella Forums have a function called "Run in forced Ultrapeer mode" Use that if you one day cannot connect to the network as you are able to do now!
Just Good enough, smart enough, and no longer Elite...

Last edited by File_Girl71; November 27th, 2010 at 04:07 AM. Reason: Edite some words!
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